LinkCostsMaster Draftsman 6.0.21
New in 6.0.21
1. Column Bills
a) “Bug fix” in 6.0.16 ostensibly allowing letters in to appear in the LA Schedule when they don’t appear in the main bill has been rescinded as (a) it caused several other problems and (b) the original position was in fact correct and not a bug at all. A new warning has been added when previewing or exporting the LA Schedule where there are Letters In with a zero IP rate.
2. Licensing
a) Updated Licensing library files.
3. Documentation
a) User Guide and Help File updated.
Bug Fixes
1. Case Plans
a) Leading Counsel Section Description always appeared as the default value after refreshing the Events page of the Case Plan Settings window, although any changes were stored and used correctly on export.
2. Column Bills
a) “Produced By…” line appeared before the end of the lines in table bills causing a break in the column lines.
3. Export Phrases
a) Restoring the defaults for a properties phrase didn’t restore the Description.
LinkCostsMaster Licence Server 1.5.1
If you are using Network Product Keys, you will need to install this software on a non-virtual machine on the network.
LinkCostsMaster User Guide
The full user guide for CostsMaster version 6. This document covers both Draftsman and Quota.
LinkCostsMaster Licensing User Guide
The user guide for all forms of licensing.
LinkCostsMaster Dongle Server 7.3.0
This updates Dinkey Server and Dinkey Change to the latest versions. These are compatible with all existing versions of CostsMaster and with all network dongles.
The Licensing User guide is also updated to the latest version.